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NESCAFE joins Justin to play the fan economy


Strategic insight:

We has seized the fans' emotional needs and interactive expectation. With the theme of "Justin's Sweetheart Call", turning a commercial endorsement into an idol's pet fan welfare, which successfully driving the rhythm of the fan circle and helping the brand won double-effect growth in social media volume and product sales.

Creative execution:

•Inspiring the star potential, multi-level reach consumers: With Justin 's "pick up the phone" single release promotion, fans participate in H5 interactive photo messages, who have an opportunity to talk to Justin online. This makes the brand easily penetrate the fan community;

•Triple unlocking mechanism, driving e-commerce sales: from unlocking posters, promotional videos, advertising blockbusters, to live call benefits, constantly diverting fans to T-mall platform to buy autumn and winter new products of Nescafe;

•Multi-dimensional recommendation, occupying the consumer's mind: recommendation by professional opinion leaders recognized by fans, relying on the multi-dimensional content of Xiaohongshu to recommend, which let products enter the consumer's vision, trigger consumer's lifestyle needs and emotional resonance

•T-mall live blessing, forming a marketing closed loop: relying on Justin's fan economy, using a sweetheart live broadcast with the idol's intimate interaction, giving back to the fans' support

In just three days on the line, the sales of Nestle Coffee's special sweetheart latte 4 boxes have exceeded 15,000 sets; Content visits 10W+, content interactions 136W+

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